How to Handle an Abusive Fiance / Husband
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How to Handle an Abusive Fiance / Husband

Steps that you can take for your safety

If you find yourself in a relationship with an abusive fiancé / husband, then there are some things that you need to do in order to keep yourself safe. Physical abuse is the most often discussed as it can be easy to see. But abuse can also come in the form of verbal abusive where the man yells and degrades you constantly. In either case, you need to get out of the relationship.

One of the things that you might hear from an abusive fiancé / husband is that if you should say anything to anyone about the abuse, the man will threaten to have you deported. This is not a fact. If you have entered into the marriage willingly and not because you just wanted immigration status, then you will not be deported.

If you are living with the abusive fiancé / husband, then you can talk with the INS department and get yourself in to a safer situation. This is especially important if you have a child that you fear is also being abused. America has created laws to protect you if this should be the case.

To avoid getting into a situation with an abusive fiancé / husband, you can watch out for the following signs: over-controlling in the relationship, doesn’t listen to what you want, tries to get married as quickly as possible with taking the time to get to know you, or past history of abuse. If you find yourself in a relationship with an abusive fiancé / husband, then you need to go to the police and report the abuse immediately.

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Dating Tip Number 1009

Russian Women Dating Tips Question: How much money would I need to have to start searching for a russian bride?

Answer: To start searching - zero. But if you are serious, consider expenses of several trips to Russia (usually a minimum of $2000), visas, and more when you bring her back (she will likely not have much money herself).

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